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C for Concentration, Courage & Commitment!


C for Concentration, Courage & Commitment!

Paarl, 28 July 2022

By Jacqueline Swart  

The u/18C girls hockey match caused many stomachs to turn on the pavilion. Students from both schools came to support their friends with flags, posters, and cheer. 

Both teams were strong and challenged each other. Paarl Gim scored the first goal, and had the ball for the most of the first half, but Paarl Girls’ High came back strong in the second half. When the score read 3-1 with only a few minutes left Girls’ High was confident that we would win, but Paarl Gim had strong players who persevered and they scored a second goal. 

One minute left. 3-2. Paarl Gim gets an attacking short corner. Everyone is quiet… the audience watch quietly in anticipation… It is the dying moments of the match. Gimnasium pushed the ball out to the castle. A to and fro followed in the circle, finally Girls High managed to pass the ball out of the circle into the dead zone. Time has run out. As if the match did not have enough controversy the umpire did not blow the whistle when the ball was passed into the dead zone. Gim gained control of the ball passed it back into the circle … and score. The score is 3 -3. No, but the ball was dead, the Girls High team was slightly heartbroken. The two umpires however differed and after a discussion ruled the score to be 3-2 for Girls High.

Beautiful hockey was played where the two teams challenged each other and each team had strong dedication. Every player concentrated on the ball… Had courage throughout the game… and committed themselves to playing to the best of their ability.


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