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Interschools breakfast: Bonding with Parents and Old Girls

 Interschools breakfast: Bonding with Parents and Old Girls

By: Abigail Combrink

On this Friday morning the parents of our Hockey and Netball first teams were welcomed at the ‘High School Interschools Breakfast’ with beautiful bouquets of flowers, an abundance of prices to be won and with a hearty breakfast. At this exceptional event, our first teams could formally thank their parents for the unwavering support that each girl received, not only during this week of Interchools, but during the long and early practice hours that came before. Rejoicing in memories and friendships from the past, our Old Girls returned to the school grounds of Paarl Girls’ High to show their support to our first teams.

With the final moments of Interschools 2022 just a few heartbeats away, we are confident that both our first teams will keep the name of Paarl Girls’ High raised high and make their sisters in jade incredibly proud.
Winston Churchill once said that success is not final and failure is not fatal; but it is the courage to continue that counts. Regardless of the final number the scoreboards will display, we will stand alongside our sisters embracing every moments of this remarkable adventure of Interschools 2022. 

So, dear first teams: Let your strength be anchored in your sister playing next to you when you can’t find enough strength in yourself to carry on. Let your faith be fixed on the horizon, because all of your sisters, teachers and friends are backing you and cheering for you all the way!

Members of the first team hockey with their mascot 



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