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The “G” in “Gees” stands for Groentjies!


The “G” in “Gees” stands for Groentjies!

By Meghan Damonse

The young ones have proved to us time and time  again that Gr. 8 truly is the best. They have the best drive, best potential and best “gees”! 

This week kick starts the grade 8’s Inter-schools journey and their first of many more (fingers crossed). So far they have given it their all! Whether it was painting the town jade, white and blue or supporting their friends next to the hockey field, with the most interesting posters, they never disappoint. 

Watching them enjoy their first inter-schools “Big Brag” this morning and singing under the oak trees was a beautiful sight to behold. All the teams were introduced with ear-to-ear smiles on their faces showing their child-like joy and excitement for their upcoming matches against Paarl Gimnasium. 

So far the B to D team hockey girls have played and were supported by their peers who cheered their hearts out on the pavilion. Our E to J team netball girls played on Thursday and made their coaches and classmates super proud! We are waiting in anticipation for the remaining teams to play Friday and can’t wait to see the results. 

To the Grade 8s: Enjoy every minute of your first inter-schools! Keep your passion ,drive, enthusiasm and courage. You never fail to be a true inspiration to your seniors. Keep the “gees” high, groentjies!


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