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A last hurrah to Interschools 2022

  A last hurrah to Interschools 2022  Let's give the last hurrah to Interschools 2022! It was a sports festival packed with action, emotion, and colour. The weather also made itself a player in the game.  The spirit of Interschools was revived this year with two (three) top-notch schools competing to trump each other on the day. Spectators got spoiled with a display of skill, strength, grit, and resilience often missing from national and international games. As school communities, we can be proud of the spirit with which we approached the event. One had the feeling that prior to 2020 the school community became blasé about the event. They forgot that they are dealing with children. The crowds were aggressive and rude to players. This year words of encouragement and appreciation were heard in abundance. Paarl Girls’ High set as a theme and values for this year's Interschools: Interschools revival: Synergy, Courage, Kindness, and Gratitude . I believe that part of the success of
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Kom ons praat A-spanne.

  Kom ons praat A-spanne. Eerste Spanne (Foto en Kopiereg: EJ Langner) Sport is ‘n duiwel. Die telbord weerspieël nie altyd die passie waarmee daar gespeel is nie. Dit was die geval vir die o.18 A netbal- en hokkiespanne van Hoër Meisieskool en Paarl Gimnasium. Die twee skole se A-spanne het hulle harte op die veld/baan uitgespeel en alles vir hul spanne gegee. Die uitkomste in beide wedstryde was net van so aard dat mens ‘n tree moet teruggee en jou hoed afhaal vir die wenspan en sê: “Sjoe! Dit was nou goed gespeel.” Renezia en Adri in aksie (foto: EJ LANGNER) As ons begin met die o.18A netbalwedstryd (en julle moet verskoon hierdie is kommentaar van ‘n netbal-leek). Die reën het gewyk en ‘n skouspelagtige wedstryd kon gespeel word. In die eerste kwart van die wedstryd was dit ‘n redelike heen-en-weer besigheid met HMS wat ‘n doel inskiet en dan Paarl Gimnasium, maar aan die einde van die eerste kwart het die volgehoue druk van die HMS-span die damwal bietjie laat kraak en gelei tot 1

Reën: Die amperse spanner in die wiel…

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The “G” in “Gees” stands for Groentjies!

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Interschools breakfast: Bonding with Parents and Old Girls

  Interschools breakfast: Bonding with Parents and Old Girls By: Abigail Combrink On this Friday morning the parents of our Hockey and Netball first teams were welcomed at the ‘High School Interschools Breakfast’ with beautiful bouquets of flowers, an abundance of prices to be won and with a hearty breakfast. At this exceptional event, our first teams could formally thank their parents for the unwavering support that each girl received, not only during this week of Interchools, but during the long and early practice hours that came before. Rejoicing in memories and friendships from the past, our Old Girls returned to the school grounds of Paarl Girls’ High to show their support to our first teams. With the final moments of Interschools 2022 just a few heartbeats away, we are confident that both our first teams will keep the name of Paarl Girls’ High raised high and make their sisters in jade incredibly proud. Winston Churchill once said that success is not final and failure is not fat

About bragging big and standing together.

  About bragging big and standing together. By: Abigail Combink "It takes a moment to make a memory and a lifetime to forget it”…It takes one person to shoot a goal but a whole team to conquer a match. Today we as Girls’ Highers were truly able to cherish every moment with our remarkable Hockey and Netball players during the unforgettable 'Big Brag' event.     Alongside our sisters, we can finally celebrate the opportunity to reward our diligence with the remarkable privilege of competing against our opponents during Interschools. With the final day of Interschools slowly creeping around the corner, we must strive to fully embrace these last few moments of this annual event as the fierce unity the ‘Jade Army’ truly is.   With just two hours separating the final matches of the first teams of Interschools 2022, we are confident that both our first teams will lead Paarl Girls’ High to victory. Led by Adri Carstens, our Netball first team will compete against their counterpart

Interskole 2022: Herleef en Herinterpreteer

Interskole 2022: Herleef & Herinterpreteer… Die Interskole 2022 week vir Hoër Meisieskool nader die einde. Gister was ‘n heerlike dag wat begin het met ‘n BigBrag, voortgesit is met aksie-belaaide netbal en hokkie en geëindig het met ‘n heerlike ouer bring-en-braai. Aan die einde van hierdie besondere dag wou ek graag iets skryf oor die erfenis van interskole en HMS Paarl se deelname daaraan. Ek wou iets skryf oor hoe ons, ons ryke tradisie laat herleef het. Ek het begin navorsing doen. Ek wou meer weet oor HMS se eerste wedstryde en deelname aan interskole. Ons praat baie van die die ryke tradisie en al die herinneringe, maar oor die algemeen weet ons nie veel daaroor nie. Die resultate wat vassteek is ook net die van die HJS/ Gim wedstryde. As jy terugdink sou jy jouself kon flous dat Interskole slegs tussen HJS en Gimnasium plaasvind. Hierdie idee word versterk deur die media. Soek jy inligting op die internet ongeag jou soekwoorde, is die resultaat eenvormig dat Interskole gaan